GRS Certification


share of GRS recycled polyester yarns

Global recycled Standard (GRS) is the leading international standard in the field of recycled man-made fibres. Beti’s production facility and our recycled dyed yarns are GRS certified. GRS certificate encourages the use of recycled materials and gives the brands and consumers a tool to make informed buying decisions. As the certification expands above recycled-content requirements to wider social and environmental practices it’s an additional milestone on our sustainability journey.

As a GRS certified company, we are subject to extensive document reviews and strict external audits every year. The auditor carefully inspects the production facility and company’s practices, as well as interviews employees in different departments.

♻ Global Recycled Standard is an international, voluntary, full-product standard certification that sets requirements for recycled content, and social and environmental practices in the textile industry.

🌍 It verifies responsible social, environmental, and chemical practices in textile production as well as good working conditions, where harmful environmental and chemical impacts are minimized.

How it works?

Fibres are tracked at every stage of their journey, so that the final customer can rely on the recycled content claim and sustainable production practices of all the companies in the supply chain.

Every stage in the supply chain must be GRS certified: this involves an on-site audit, a document review, and then the awarding of a scope certificate, or SC. Beti was awarded its scope certificate number ICEA-TX-1522 in the year 2021.

On request, a translation certificate (TC) can be issued – each time a product moves along the production chain: meaning on your request we can issue a TC for each delivery we make of the recycled yarns.